Moving home is notoriously stressful, so use the time you have to make moving day as stress-free as possible.
To help this become a reality, Moving Home Guide offers a Free Report which is a helpful checklist for moving home, but our Premium Report really is the must-have checklist tailored for any UK property.
Organise a removals survey
What you don't want to do is wait until move-in day to meet the removals company for the first time. There's so much to do, so much to list in terms of inventory, so much to pack up and of course, you don't want anything getting damaged along the way.
Removals companies cost anywhere from £600–£2,000 for regular sized homes and what services you want included (e.g. packing, handling of oversized objects). If you do it alone, expect to pay to pay between £50–£200 for packaging and for £60-200 for van hire £30–£120.
To make sure you don't have any surprises on move-in day, make sure you've agreed everything upfront with the removals company and get that in writing.
Social media and sites like Facebook marketplace is a great way to find old boxes and packaging.
Don't get shocked by your Council Tax bill
It sounds simple, but your Council Tax can be a significant cost of running your home.
The other thing that many people don't know is that when you buy a home, the Council Tax band can change especially if the previous owner enlarged the property when they were living there e.g. through a loft conversion or an extension. You may need to factor this increase into your Council Tax budgeting.
For a free checklist on your new home, access our Free Report which includes a link to access which Council Tax band your home is in.
Prepare & Budget For Your New Home
When you move into your new home it helps to know how to work things. This can be something that you can discuss with the sellers or the estate or letting agent.
Make sure you know how to use the
Washing Machine (and dryer)
Turn of the water/gas mains
Locate and operate the fuse box
Locate the water/gas/electricity meters
Operate the smart meter
Is the an electric charging port
There will be a lot of expenses in your new home, order your Premium Report which includes the best ways to find quality, cost-efficient service providers for (home & contents insurance, energy, broadband and more).
Preparing your move ahead of time
You can never start your moving preparation too early. It'll smooth the overall process and save you money by getting quotes instead of leaving it all to the last minute.
Our Free Report includes a list of people and companies to advise when moving. It even helps you contact them directly as well as help you find suppliers, provide tips for what to do on move-in/move-out days.
Say hi to your neighbours
Speaking to your neighbours is a must when considering moving in to a new property. Neighbours can be a great resource and don't be shy to discuss bin collections, local amenities, and maybe even drop-off a we've moved in gift. You never know when you might need their help for instance when carrying out excavation construction work within 3 metres of your neighbour’s property you'll need to put a party wall agreement in place.